Anautho aath.
The Incredible eight
Recognised as keystone species by two entities working together on occasions for environmental conservation, The Jane Goodall Institute, Nepal and People’s Alliance for Nature Nepal, these animals represent the urgent need for mindful interventions for animal habitat conservation and restoration, thus endangered animal conservation.
Leopards known for its spotted pattern on its fur, the animal is not only losing its population due to its skin, but also due to the rapid, unorganised, unconcerned urbanisation of Nepali cities, especially in the Hills and Terai.
Pangolin a shy creature known for its hard scales, the same ones used in experimental traditional medicines across Asia. These animals are native, especially the black scaled ones, to Hills and also found in the dense forested areas in Terai. They are also losing their population due to being hunted for their scales and also becasue we are encroaching on their habitats.